During next few days i will be talking about the below given features of C Sharp
Code is available on codeplex on this URL
C# 2.0
C# 3.0
C# 4.0
C# 5.0
Code is available on codeplex on this URL
C# 2.0
- Partial class
- Partial methods
- Generics
- Nullable types
- yield keyword
- anonymous methods (the delegate keyword)
- null coalescing operator (??)
C# 3.0
- Auto Implemented properties
- Lambada
- object initializes Collection initializes
- Anonymous Types
- Var
- Extension Methods
C# 4.0
- Dynamic word
- Covariant and contravariant generic type parameters
- Optional Parameters and Named Arguments
- Tuples
- Task Parallel Library
C# 5.0
- Async
- Await
- Advance Generics 1 {Classes , Func}
- Advance Generics 2 {Action , Predicate}